
Y. Jaya Rao

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Ministry of Earth Sciences

Researcher Y. Jaya Rao has made significant contributions to the fields of atmospheric science and aerosol physics, with a focus on understanding the Indian summer monsoon and its effects on air quality and climate. Recent studies have explored hygroscopic growth, CCN activation, and new particle formation over regions with distinct environmental conditions, shedding light on the complex interactions between aerosols, clouds, and precipitation. Rao's work has also investigated aerosol-cloud droplet characteristics, remote sensing of tropospheric aerosols, and mixed layer height measurement using lidar technology, providing valuable insights into atmospheric dynamics and climate variability.

Aerosol FormationAtmosphericAerosols
Commercial signal 58.5
Scientific signal 63.6
Social signal 58.7
Papers 11
0 Patent-to-paper cites
109 Paper cites

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