
Young-Ok Hwang

Seoul Metropolitan Government

Young-Ok Hwang's research contributes significantly to various fields of study. In the realm of infectious diseases, their work on the genetic distribution of carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae in Seoul, Korea (2018~2020), and characterization of norovirus strains from sporadic gastroenteritis in Seoul during 2014-2016, sheds light on disease outbreaks and transmission patterns. In environmental health, studies on hepatitis A virus strains identified in Jogaejeot associated with outbreaks in Seoul, South Korea, highlight the need for surveillance and control measures. Additionally, their research on antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli strains isolated from commercial fish and seafood, as well as biocatalytic resolutions of toxic compounds, demonstrate a commitment to understanding and mitigating the impact of pollutants on human health and ecosystems.

Commercial signal 57.4
Scientific signal 61.7
Social signal 59.2
Papers 9
0 Patent-to-paper cites
282 Paper cites

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