
Yu.T. Kiryushin

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Yu.T. Kiryushin has made significant contributions to the field of particle physics, conducting extensive research on the MPD experiment at NICA, fixed-target proton-nucleus collisions, and the outer tracker detector of the HERA-B experiment. Their work includes studies on kinematic distributions and nuclear effects in J/ψ production, angular distributions of leptons from J/ψ's, V0 production in p+a collisions, and the production of charmonium states χ1c and χ2c in proton-nucleus interactions. The research aims to advance our understanding of particle physics phenomena and improve experimental techniques, particularly with regards to luminosity determination, bottom production cross sections, and flavor-changing neutral current decays, shedding light on fundamental processes in high-energy collisions.

High-Energy ColliderDetector Performanceparton distributionsmesonsHeavy-Ion Collisions
Commercial signal 64.1
Scientific signal 70.1
Social signal 68.1
Papers 21
0 Patent-to-paper cites
549 Paper cites

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