
Zachary Bailey

The University of Texas at Arlington

Zachary Bailey's research contributions significantly advance the fields of energy storage and biomedical imaging. In materials science, Bailey has developed novel fiber optic-based thermal sensing technologies to monitor lithium-ion cells at both module and individual cell levels, enhancing battery health and safety. Additionally, models of power electronic converters in medium voltage AC/DC testbeds improve the efficiency of energy conversion systems. In biomedical research, Bailey has applied advanced imaging techniques like light-sheet fluorescence microscopy to study cardiac function in zebrafish using an auto-segmentation technique, enabling more accurate measurements of ventricular cavities.

Sol-Gel-Based NanosensorsPotentiometric SensorsBattery Management SystemsOptical Sensors
Commercial signal 56.7
Scientific signal 57.3
Social signal 57.1
Papers 6
0 Patent-to-paper cites
27 Paper cites

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