
Zhiya Sheng

University of Alberta

Zhiya Sheng's research has significantly advanced the understanding and application of aerobic granulation technology for wastewater treatment. Studies have elucidated the complex interactions between algae and bacteria, optimizing enhanced wastewater treatment performance through quorum sensing analysis. Investigations into the impacts of silver nanoparticles on activated sludge and microbial communities reveal both beneficial and detrimental effects, highlighting the need for careful management in wastewater treatment systems. Additionally, research on integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) systems and fluidized bed biofilm reactors has improved our understanding of microbial community dynamics and operational performance in treating oil sands process-affected water.

NanoparticlesActivated SludgeNutrient RemovalWastewater Treatmentsolid waste management
Commercial signal 65.1
Scientific signal 71.2
Social signal 68.0
Papers 18
0 Patent-to-paper cites
1,186 Paper cites

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